St George's Anglican Church Beenleigh Logo

    St George’s Anglican Church Beenleigh 

Anglican Church of Southern Queensland

Welcome to St George's Anglican Church! We are delighted to offer a variety of ministries dedicated to serving the community and supporting individuals in their spiritual journey. 

Our goal is to make a positive difference and provide assistance to those who may require it. Discover more about our ministries by browsing through the options below.

“God does not call those who are equipped, 

He equips those whom He has called.”

                                        Smith Wigglesworth

Regular Activities here at St George’s Anglican Church, Beenleigh

Sunday:            8am Holy Communion Service


Tuesday:          Growth Group at 10am in the home of Ralph and Anne Latimer,
                              10 Goodrick Court, Mount  Warren Park. Ph: Anne 0417 273 589 or Ralph 0429 301 194

Wednesday:   Home Group meets at 6:30pm Wednesdays at Peter and Joanne Farrar's place at 5 Kai  
                               Court Waterford.  Everyone is welcome. Ph: Peter 0424 691 892

Thursday:       ‘Ladies Friendship Group’ meet on the last Thursday of each month.
                             Contact Anne for more details.  Ph 0417 273 589

Friday:             ‘Tea On The Terrace’ every Friday 9am – 11am call in for a free Tea or Coffee, biscuit and chat. 

                              It is an outreach to our community for anyone who is lonely, or just wants some company for a 

                             while.  All are welcome to come and go as they need.

                             ‘Coffee, Chat and Craft’ every Friday 12.00 – 2.30 in the hall.  Everyone is most welcome.  

                             Contact Dianne for more  details. Ph 0481 157 785

                             Nursing Home Services, each Friday a Team from St. George’s visits Nursing Homes;  giving Holy 

                             Communion to those who want it, singing well known hymns/songs, giving a Message/Story and  

                              sharing love.

Saturday:        St George’s Family Breakfast, everyone is very welcome to join us at 8am on the first Saturday of 

                             every month for a great feed and friendly company.                                           

Saturday:       Rosies Friends on the Street, meet in the Church grounds each Saturday evening from
                            6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come  along, share a meal and chat with the patrons.


BAPTISM: Baptisms are by arrangement and are usually held in one of the services.  In baptism the child /adult becomes part of a larger family under God. God promises the gift of forgiveness to all who repent. Baptism is an outward expression of that act of repentance and symbolises the washing away of our sins. Email Link

CONFIRMATION: Please email for further information Email Link

WEDDINGS: Please email for further information Email Link

FUNERALS: Please email for further information Email Link

Or contact the Church Office: 0456 314 058

St George's Anglican Church Beenleigh Congrgation Members' Lending Library

We also have a comprehensive Christian Lending Library where members of our congregation may borrow books at no cost.


I have found a home at St George's Anglican Church Beenleigh. The sense of belonging and the support from the church community is truly amazing.  It has strengthened my faith and enriched my life.


    Loving God and loving people

Copyright St George’s Anglican Church, Beenleigh (Queensland, Australia) 2024